Product Code: GOT-1
Availability: In Stock
Ex Tax: SG$25.00

What is creativity?  Must you be born with it or can it be learnt?  How can creativity help you solve problems, generate ideas, and achieve success in life?  Welcome to the Game of Thoughts ― where creativity is brought to life through a series of fascinating, mind-expanding games and activities.  Combining brain teasers, puzzles, conundrums, thought experiments and writing exercises, this one-of-a-kind book will expand your mind, change the way you see things, and turn all your preconceptions of the world upside-down!  Your guides on this fun-filled journey into the secrets of creativity are two of Singapore’s most celebrated magicians.  Let them summon your inner creativity and light your path to success.  With a Forward by Master Magician Lu Chen.

$25 (including free postage in Singapore)

You may request for an autograph by John Teo when you purchase the book.  Ning Cai is now residing in Switzerland.




“… Brilliant book.  Never have we needed a creative approach more.  A really thoughtful read.” – Mel Mellers


“… This book is more inspiring to me than any magic book in a long time. Ning and John’s insights into the creative process are ones that are well worth studying. While many creators of magic tricks are providing you with a fish (and many times a foul-tasting tiddler) Ning and John are providing you with a top-of-the-range fishing rod, bait and expert tuition.” – Jon Allen.  (To read this complete review, click on the Review page.)


“… One of the very best books I’ve ever read on creativity and finding your creative spark … For a magician who feels they want to be more creative with their magic I would highly recommend this book.  It is filled with great advice, techniques and exercises that will help you a lot.  Such an inspirational book and a subject that should be taught in every school around the world.  Very highly recommended!”       – VANISH magazine issue 33.  (To read this complete review, click on the Review page.)


“… As a magician, myself, I realize that magic tricks are the result of creative thinking.  I have always admired Magicians who consistently create new ideas.  These two authors, explain the entire process of Creative Thinking.  It is a fun book to read… "Game of Thoughts" is highly recommended reading for all Magicians!”     – Joyce Basch.  (To read this complete review, click on the Review page.)





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