Creative Workshops

John Teo

John has been a trainer for more than 20 years. He specialises in leadership training, negotiation skills, creativity and innovation, and other management courses. He co-founded the Association of Professional Trainers (Singapore) and was instrumental in an SME become public listed. Magic is a hobby for John Teo. He believes that magic is akin to creativity. He is the President of the Singapore branch of the International Brotherhood of Magicians that has its HQ in St Louis, USA. He frequently uses magic to bring out the essential points in the topics that he teaches. John has been invited to judge international magic competitions held in China, Hong Kong, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Macau, Japan, and South Korea. He won several trick invention competitions organised in the USA. His tricks and articles on magic were published in international magic periodicals. He is presently a member of the Asian Executive Board of the Federation Internationale des Societes Magiques (FISM).

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Game of Thoughts - Understanding Creativity Through Mind Games

One of the very best books I’ve ever read on creativity and finding your creative spark. Not only is this a great read but it’s a great looking book and very well put together. The book is divided in to two main sections. This first part is looking at creativity and how to be creative. The second part is filled with exercises and examples on everything they talk about. This is more like a work book and as you learn each step you will need to do the examples they give. It’s the examples that really help you fully understand what the techniques are they talking about. This book is not aimed at magicians but written BY magicians. Anybody who wants to get their creative juices flowing should read this book, INCLUDING magicians of course. What I particularly enjoyed are the examples and experiences they both share, which help highlight each point. It makes things so much easier to understand and put in context. While reading this I kept thinking it would make a great key-note speaker presentation. I know John trains people in this and so I can see years of experience and hands on work being brought in to play here. The book shows you how to refrain your mind and open it up for creative thinking and “seeing things with new eyes”. There is a great quote that I loved: “Success is not always about having a lot of money or material possessions.” Here is a wonderful quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson: “To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children, to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better whether by a healthy child; a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.” Some of the chapters include: The need for creative thinking. What are creativity and innovation? Creative thinking and problem solving. Techniques for idea generation. Applications of creativity. Nurturing creativity. If you find yourself in a creative slump, or just want a refresher course this is definitely the book to get. For a magician who feels they want to be more creative with their magic I would highly recommend this book. It is filled with great advice, techniques and exercises that will help you a lot. Such an inspirational book and a subject that should be taught in every school around the world. Very highly recommended!

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Game of Thoughts - Understanding Creativity Through Mind Games

What is half of 13? If you thought “6 1/2” then you really need this book! I’m always interested in books on creativity. While this one is written by two magicians, they have enough experience away from this secluded world to know how to make the creative process meaningful for whatever field you choose. The book is cleverly split into two sections: the main one has the authors discussing creativity, problem solving and idea generation; the other has creative activities and diversions. The main section is sub-divided into seven chapters dealing with topics such as the need for creative thinking; differences between creativity and innovation problem solving; idea generation; applications of creativity and nurturing creativity. Within each section there are puzzles, questions, and games to stimulate your own do a great job of massaging your creative tendencies so that you become more aware of just how to think in new and different ways. Even some of the more well-known puzzles produced further answers of which I was not aware. Of particular interest, especially for magicians, is the section about the COMES technique. If you are looking to create new effects or routines, or maybe have a prop that you don’t know what to do with that different, pay close attention here. If you apply it to your thinking then you will come up with a host of new ideas. The second section is filled with quotes, puzzles and activities that help bring out the creativity within you. From writing a bucket list; writing a letter to your 6 year old self and learning how to improve your memory, there are a variety of different ways to let the creative juices flow. Books on creativity do not always produce immediate results. Game of Thoughts will only be as useful as you want to make it. Through varying techniques and examples, you are lead on a journey that is designed to change the way you think. Once you do, you will reap the benefits in different areas of your life. This book is more inspiring to me than any magic book in a long time. Ning and John’s insights into the creative process are ones that are well worth studying. While many creators of magic tricks are providing you with a fish (and many times a foul-tasting tiddler) Ning and John are providing you with a top-of-the-range fishing rod, bait and expert tuition. (By the way, half of 13 could be 1, 3, thir, teen, thee, tern, any 4 letters, Vlll.....)

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Game of Thoughts - Understanding Creativity Through Mind Games

"Game of Thoughts" is an introduction to understanding creativity. As a magician, myself, I realize that magic tricks are the result of creative thinking. I have always admired Magicians who consistently create new ideas. These two authors, explain the entire process of Creative Thinking. Authors, John Teo, currently the President of International Brotherhood of Magicians, Singapore Ring 115, is an award winner many times for performance and original, creative Magic. He, also, creates new ways of presenting classical effects. Co-author, Ning Cai, is a celebrity professional Magician. The forward was written by Asian Master Magician, Lu Chen. True to the subject matter, this book explains and demonstrates creativity and critical thinking. It has two covers with similar designs. When opening the book from one direction, you'll find 78 pages of creative activities and diversions printed in full color. If you flip over and turn the entire book upside down, you'll see the other cover and read 208 pages describing creative thinking and how to develop this. Each chapter of the book is introduced by a relevant magic trick or a puzzle. "Game of Thoughts" covers the subject adequately. Section 1 explains the importance of thinking creatively in this present highly competitive world. Section 2 describes what are creativity and innovation, how to be creative, and how to overcome mental blockage to creative thinking. Section 3 shows the use of creative thinking in problem solving. Section 4 explains techniques to generate new ideas and think 'out of the box.' Application of creative thinking is the feature of Section 5. Here, the two Authors describe how each of them has successfully used creativity in their careers. This chapter shows how we can reframe our minds and turn problems into opportunities. Finally, Section 6 discloses how to nurture our creativity and develop a creative culture in our workplaces. It is a fun book to read. There are many examples on using one's creativity and developing new ideas for Magic and new presentations for existing effects. "It has helped me to look at things with a 'new pair of eyes!'". "Game of Thoughts" is highly recommended reading for all Magicians! It can be purchased from

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